Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Part 3 Vocabulary

 Vocabulary part 3
·         “Their car broke down and the mechanic who fixed it surreptitiously cannibalized the motor of parts, putting in used parts instead...” (p.289)
Surreptitiously: to covert or clandestine.
Cannibalized: to use a machine as a source for spare parts for another, similar machine.

·         “I’m sorry to say it so bluntly, we don’t mean to hurt your feelings...” (p.294)
Bluntly: uncompromisingly forthright in manner.

·         “...we’re not here to talk idly about botany.” (p.295)
Idly: spend time doing nothing.

·         “There is no doubt in my mind that feral giraffes and feral hippos have been living in Tokyo for generations without being seen by a soul.”(p.297)
Feral: to be in a wild state especially after having been domesticated.

·         “Claws like scimitars.” (p.298)
Scimitars: a short sword with a curved blade that broadens towards the point.

·         “You’re bringing our service into disrepute.” (p.300)
Disrepute: the state of being held in low public esteem.

·         “Since the bone was broken at the thigh, it would involve no more than cutting through flesh and setting a tourniquet.” (p.305)
Tourniquet: a device for stopping the flow of blood through an artery.

·         “When your life has been given a reprieve, it’s impossible not to feel some warmth for the one to whom you owe that reprieve.”(p.309)
Reprieve: cancel the punishment of.

·         “Sounds like no more than a passing squall.” (p.315)
Squall: a sudden violent gust of wind or localized storm.

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