Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Images Part 3

Images part 3

  ·   This image is of a Mexican village. In the book when Pi finds land it turns out to be Mexico.  He is taken in by the people living near that village, where he is taken care of before being taken to the hospital. This shows how kind and caring Mexicans can be. I can relate to this because I have some Mexican friends and they are such warm and loving people.

  ·    This image is of someone laughing. During the interview Pi tries loosening the tension in the room by being funny. When the air in the room is tense it really helps if someone breaks the tension by diverting the attention to something else.

  ·     This image is of the Titanic. I chose this image because the Titanic also sank in the ocean and killed the majority of its passengers. The sinking of the Tsimtsum which left Pi an orphan, reminded me a lot from this event.

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