Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Life of Pi Vocabulary

Part 1 Vocabulary

·         “Mine was the gangly, unathletic kid...” p.Vll).
o   Gangly: Tall, thin and awkward.

·         “I had come to the subcontinent completely unprepared”. (p.Vll).
o   Subcontinent: a large distinguishable part of a continent.

·         “They like words like bamboozle”. ( p.VII).
o   Bamboozle: Informal cheat or mystify.

·         “I felt I was in the presence of upside-down yogis deep in meditation...” (p.5).
o   Yogis: People who are proficient in yoga.

·         “Scientists are a friendly, atheistic, hard-working...” (p.5).
o   Atheistic: Disbelief in the existence of God or gods.

·         “I looked as if I had been grafted with a pair of elephant legs”. (p.7).
o   Grafted: An operation in which tissue is transplanted.

·         “...many are sexual deviants, either terribly repressed or subject to explosions of frenzied lasciviousness or openly depraved...” (p.13).
o   Lasciviousness: Feeling or revealing an overt sexual desire.

·         “What palace had such a menagerie?” (p.14).
o   Menagerie: A collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition.

·         “...the only assault there at that early hour was the bats discordant concerts of squeaking and chattering”. (p.14).
o   Discordant: Lacking harmony.

·         “...I might stop by the terraria to look at some shiny frogs...” (p.14).
o   Terraria: A vivarium for smaller land animals.

·         “...the senile, lecherous expression of a camel”. (p.15).
o   Lecherous: having or showing excessive or offensive sexual desire.

·         “...a quiet witness to the highly mannered, manifold expressions of life that grace our planet”. (p.15).
o   Manifold: Many and various.

·         “...or going for callisthenic runs to stay slim after overindulging”. (p.15).
o   Callisthenic: Gymnastic exercises to achieve bodily fitness and grace of 

·         “...a brief mnemonic stare from the teacher”. (p.22).
o   Mnemonic: Aiding the memory.

·         “You heard what they said on the esplanade”. (p.73).
               Esplanade: A long, open, level area, typically beside the sea.

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